Wednesday, December 17, 2014


This morning, as I was sitting and pondering, I began looking at some of the assumptions I lived my life by in the past:

a. There is a spiritual realm that we can't see, but that is more "real" than this material world.
b. There is someone in control of both realms of existence.
c.  I am flawed/sinful/sick, and need saving/fixed/healed by this someone, because I do not have the power to do it myself.
d.  I need someone else (friend, lover, guru, deity) to make me complete.
e.  I have to hide my true feelings from others, because they will not like me if I am honest and uninhibited.

I learned these most of these assumptions through the study and practice of religion. It has taken many years for these assumptions to lose their power, though I still struggle with that last one!  Being free of a supernatural worldview has led to a contentment that I used to seek, but never could find, following a religion or spiritual practice.  I love the phrase "comfortable in my own skin", that really describes the sense of happiness I feel so much of the time these days.

Another phrase I've come to love: "giving myself permission".  I give myself permission to follow new interests, seek new joys, feel anger or other "negative' emotions that I used to feel guilty about.  I am what I am, and no longer have to wish I was otherwise.

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